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Contact Us

No.31, Shahid Fathi Shaghaghi (8) St, Seyed Jamaledin Asad Abadi St, Tehran, Iran. Postal code 1431793843

(+98) 21 - 88105110 (+98) 21 - 88105610

No.251, 15th Alley, Baharestan Street, Baharan District, Sanandaj, Iran, Postal code 6617737147

(+98) 87 - 33782909-11 (+98) 21 - 89787919



Turning the dreams of people and customers into tangible realities

Our company, with its expertise, commitment, and innovation in the design and execution of civil engineering projects, is recognized as one of the pioneers in this field in Iran. We hold all the necessary rankings and grades for road construction in Iran and, with the support of experienced and specialized teams in various branches, we are capable of providing comprehensive services from the initial design phase to the final implementation of projects. Our goal in establishing Rahyab Melal Company is to turn the dreams of people and customers into tangible realities. We have come to connect and intend to create new designs every day as we continue our 20-year mission.

Utilizing Top University Graduates

We have always strived to keep our services up-to-date by utilizing top graduates from leading universities in technical, engineering, and management fields. We continually bring new insights to the management of civil engineering projects. We consider ourselves obligated and committed to preserving, caring for, and assisting the community in which we operate, knowing that with the progress and improvement of the community, we too will grow.
