central office
No.31, Shahid Fathi Shaghaghi (8) St, Seyed Jamaledin Asad Abadi St, Tehran, Iran. Postal code 1431793843
(+98) 21 - 88105110 (+98) 21 - 88105610 info@rahyabmelal.comKurdistan representative office
No.251, 15th Alley, Baharestan Street, Baharan District, Sanandaj, Iran, Postal code 6617737147
(+98) 87 - 33782909-11 (+98) 21 - 89787919 info@rahyabmelal.com
In line with providing services for the updated studies of the first phase of geometric design and conducting complementary studies on the prerequisites and arrangements for the commencement of Section 3 of the Tehran-Shomal Freeway, the faces (work fronts) for each of the 3A, 3B, and 3C lots were identified." The construction of this route, particularly in terms of tunnels, enhances safety in adverse weather conditions and against potential hazards such as landslides or rockfalls. Reducing the length of the access road and minimizing land acquisition means less land is needed, preserving more natural and agricultural areas. Additionally, constructing a shorter route translates to lower costs for road construction and maintenance.